Friday, November 11, 2011

Rough Day

Today was a rough day.  Yesterday evening I started to feel weepy and today was just a full blown day of weariness.  I cried several times today.  I just kept missing Riley and missing the baby that isn't here.  I kept remembering what should have been.  It was a rough day.  It amazes me that even now, 2 1/2 months after our loss, I still have these intense moments of sadness. It's awful!  I hate feeling this way.  Every little thing seemed to set off the waterworks today.  It didn't matter what I was doing if something, no matter how small, didn't go my way the tears started falling.

Tomorrow we're going to have a family portrait taken.  It's another way I'm trying to move on and focus on the good in my life.  And I have a good family.  I want to celebrate that.  Hopefully the portraits will go well and I won't think of the fact that Riley's not there to be a part of it.


  1. I'm sorry you had a rough day. I think those intense moments of sadness will come and go probably forever. Maybe you can have something in the picture that represents Riley, like a stuffed animal or small angel or something.

  2. Those days are the worst, but I try and remember that those really really bad days are necessary so good ones can eventually follow. Doesn't make them suck any worse, but they are part of this grief crap and you arent alone.
