I'm sorry I didn't write to you last month, but your wonderful, amazing, loving grandmother passed away. She's going to miss you so much. Oh how she wanted to see you grow up. She used to joke that she wanted to see you turn 20, which would have made her 95! But alas, she didn't make it.
The last 2 months have been overwhelming. You went to Montego Bay, Jamaica with mom and dad and had the most amazing time! You weren't stressed at all about the vacation, but mommy was a little :) Luckily we had John and Jojo, and Don and Sue to help us out. Oh how you loved the pool. We swam every day, twice a day, sometimes 3 times a day! You didn't seem to like the ocean that much, which is strange, since you were enamored with it in August. So, we spent most of our time in the pool. And you ate watermelon for the first time, and "momma Jojo" let you eat the slice all by yourself. In fact, mom learned to chill out regarding your eating during this trip. You also loved the morning smoothies, you ate french fries for the first time, and you loved ice cream (or course!).
Christmas was a subdued time, but you enjoyed yourself. And boy were you spoiled! It seemed like everyone we knew got you a present. We were hoping your Christmas present to us would be to start walking, but it's just not happening yet. You're so close, and we know you can do it, you're just lacking confidence or something. But we're not too worried. You are a preemie after all, so you've got a few months to go. And soon enough you'll be running all over the place and we won't be able to catch you :)
You make the funniest expressions sometimes, and I see you discovering new things in the world around you every day. This past week you were home each day (daycare was closed), so we got to spend a lot of time with you. We went for walks, we played, we shopped, we visited people, and through it all I amazed by your good nature. Sure you get frustrated sometimes, but overall you are such a good natured, warm hearted happy boy.
You love music. You love to dance around and clap your hands. You love playing with blocks and shapes and putting the shapes back in the "cookie jar". And every couple of days I see you learning a new shape. You can almost get them all through their respective slots!
You're climbing everywhere. This last week you learned how to climb onto the chair, and most times you can make it onto the couch. This excites you because it gives you a different perspective. You climb the stairs really quickly, but you haven't quite mastered how to climb back down! We're working on that.
Through it all you've kept our spirits high, and helped us be thankful for what we do have. My heart aches that you'll never know your grandmother, but know that she loved you so much. She was so amazed by you and would do anything for you.
Till next month.
Mom and dad
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