Saturday, March 10, 2012

Other anniversaries

Thursday marked the 3rd month anniversary of my mother's death.  It's been a sad week, to say the least.  Of course it doesn't help that I'm pms-ing either! I called my dad Thursday morning to let him know I was thinking of him and that I knew it was the 8th and that I wanted him to know I remembered.  That's something I've found hard to handle as more months pass between Riley's death - people forget.  It's not that they're unsympathetic or uncaring, they simply have their own lives.  But you never forget.  I'll never forget the 26th just like I'll never forget the 8th.  And so I wanted dad to know that I didn't forget.

Lately I've been starting to think more and more about the idea of getting pregnant again.  I could do it, right?  If I got pregnant next fall I would be 35 when I delivered.  That's totally feasible, right? It's nice to feel excited about the idea.  Of course it's still ridiculously terrifying, but it does excite me.  I just feel like I want to try one last time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cat! That is VERY feasible to be 35 when you deliver. I am glad you are feeling excited about trying again. It is scary and we don't have any control, but it will be worth it!
