Saturday, February 2, 2013


Well I'm halfway into week 28 and the weekend has arrived once again.  Of course Neil woke up at 5.45am this morning.  Breakfast is done, we're dressed and  now just need to figure out how to pass the time this morning.  And of course it's -25 C degrees outside!  Being on couch potato rest during the winter really sucks.  At least if it was nice out we could go outside and go to the park and I could watch him play.  But, alas, these are the cards we're dealt and I must deal with them.

I'm trying not to think about next week and reaching 29 weeks.  It's funny because since, during this whole pregnancy, I've been of the mind that Riley died at 26 weeks, it's almost like I've gotten through that milestone already?  All the fears and nerves I felt I went through 2 weeks ago.  I've dealt with them.  So I'm hoping that next week won't be as nerve wracking as it might have been.

Actually this week has been a lot better.  I've calmed down A LOT since being put on couch rest and that's enabled me to really know my limits, so I've been able to do more little things around the house this week - like rearranging some pictures on the wall; small organizing projects; cleaning out the desk.  All little things that don't take much effort, but I've been wanting to do for a while.  Of course, I still see all the big things, but those will have to wait.  So yeah, I guess I'm in a state of "calm before the storm".  The nesting instinct is killing me, but I'm starting the actually enjoy the forced time off.

82 days to go....

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