Friday, October 7, 2011

6 weeks, but a pretty good day

Today was a pretty good day.  I walked Neil to daycare.  It was cold.  -2 degrees (Celsius!), but we bundled up and enjoyed our walk.  Then I did a workout when I got home, went into town, did some shopping.  It was nice.  This afternoon D called and suggested we pick up Neil early and go for a drive.  It turned out to be a gorgeous day (+14degrees), so we had a nice drive through the countryside.  Then we helped D finish up work in the barn and went to pick up carrots for our friend Frank who hunts deer on our land.  All in all it was a normal, good day.

Yesterday I was in town shopping and there was a woman with her newborn baby in front of me in line for the cash at sears.  The cashier asked her how old her baby was and she answered "just 2 weeks", wish that sweet, loving smile all new mothers have.  It was heartbreaking.  I had to physically turn the other way and focus on not crying.  I was really surprised.  I didn't think seeing a newborn after 6 weeks would affect me like that.  But obviously it did.

6 weeks today.  Yup, still thinking in terms of weeks.  That'll end soon, right??

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