Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thanksgiving and the holidays

So Thanksgiving is next weekend and some members of my family and some members of D's family have asked what we're doing.  Will we be hosting a meal?  Will we be going to the cottage to see my folks?  To be honest I just don't want to do anything.  Yeah, sure, I have plenty to be thankful for: my health, my son, my husband, etc, etc.  But I just don't feel like celebrating this year.  I don't feel like putting on a fake smile and pretending like I want to listen to our families talk about useless unimportant things and I have to go on pretending like I want a big gathering.  So why should I?

Because if I don't then I'll be disappointing everyone.  And I don't want to disappoint anyone, but I just don't feel like doing anything this year.  Is that so bad?  I've hosted Thanksgiving and Christmas every year for the last 5 years.  Do I really have to do it this year too?

It makes me wonder where my mind is going to be when we get closer to Christmas.  Will I feel the same way?  Will I not want to host Christmas either?  Usually my parents and brother come up and spend 4-5 days at our house, but I'm just not sure I have the energy to deal with that this year.  I know it's still 3 months away, but it will be here before we know it.  I half joked to D that we should go away for Christmas this year.  He didn't seem too interested in that idea.  He wants to spend the holidays with his family.  But I just don't feel like in the celebratory mood these days.  It shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone.  Oh, I don't know.  I'll probably have to suck it up and do it anyways.  damn holidays :)

I know I should be thankful for everything I have in my life, but sometimes I like to be selfish and self-deprecating and just wallow in my misery.  Is that so bad?

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