Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brain Tumour

So my very best friend in the world had a brain tumour 2 years ago.  She had brain surgery to remove it and it's been a long battle for her to recover from.  We thought she was recovering but she just found out that the tumour is back.  It's so surreal.  It puts everything into perspective.  We all have things - issues, problems, whatever - in our lives that we have to face.  And whatever it is that one is dealing with, it always seems like the worst possible scenario. But then you hear about someone else's problem and it puts it all in perspective for you.

Yes, I lost a baby.  A beautiful, loved, desired for baby.  But my dear friend has a brain tumour.  She is facing an uphill battle that could ultimately impact her entire family.  She has a husband, 2 children, and a step-daughter.  Her health battles doesn't only impact her, or her husband.  They impact an entire family.  My struggle, my pain, is awful, but at least I'm not physically weak.  At least I can still take care of my child and be physically strong.  But she went through so much during her last brain surgery.  It was a good 6-8 months before she was feeling stronger and now she has to go through this again.  It's just not fair.

So why is it that some people go through life without any major obstacles while others endure hardships and battles like ours?  Or is it just that?  That everyone has their battles; we just don't always see them.  And who am I to say my hardships are worse than anyone else's?  Who am I to be angry at the world, at God, for giving me this struggle when other people are struggling too?  I'm not the only one in pain.  Maybe my situation is more difficult, but it doesn't diminish what anyone else is going through.  Their struggle is hard to them.

You know, that last 3 years of my life have been so challenging that I've forgotten to pay attention to what other people are going through.  My close friends have been dealing with their own issues, and I've been very focused on me, my family, my son, my conception/pregnancy/losses, that I wonder what else have I missed?  Have I been a bad friend these last few years?  It's been all about me for a while now.  I need to be sure I don't alienate anyone due to my selfishness.

Who knows.  Maybe I'm being too hard on myself, but I'm really wondering if I've been lacking in the support area lately.

Was this what I was supposed to learn/realize today?

What a world we live in.  What a world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cat,

    I wouldn't worry about being a bad friend. Your concern that you may have been proves that you are not.

    Sending love and strength. You need support too.

