Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A new routine; same emotions

A new routine:
Today is September 6th.  Had I not gotten pregnant with Riley I would have been returning to work today.  Instead I'm at home.  Neil started daycare full time today.  He's been going part-time the last 3 weeks to adjust and this week he starts full time.  I know some people question why I decided to put him in daycare when I was going to be home another year, but I felt it was the right thing for several reasons. 
1. It's really, really difficult to find a daycare spot in Quebec
2. The daycare is 1km from our house.  I can walk there in 20 minutes
3. I knew it would be really good for Neil's development.  I don't have other friends with kids his age.  I wanted him to socialize, be around other kids.  that's the most important piece.  So I know that for him, it's going to be great.

But of course I've gotten several comments - you should have him at home, it'll be better for you, why are you having someone else take care of your child when you can do it yourself?  Blah, blah, blah.  We made this decision, so accept it, people!   And this way when I am ready to go back to work - be it in January, or sooner - I won't have the added stress of having to find daycare, and especially not finding one so close to home.

Same emotions:
Yesterday I was having a better day.  I was sad and emotional, but I didn't cry that much - until I went to bed.  It's like it all hit me again and I felt this agonizing heartbreak come from nowhere.  My husband was so supportive and held me and just reminded me to take it one day at a time.  But it was so tough.  It took me a couple of hours to fall asleep.  I dread moments like that.

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